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The Incredibles 2 Sequel

Hints of The Incredibles 2 first broke in March of 2014, as Bob Iger the CEO of Walt Disney announced that the sequel was in development, but what is it exactly promising about the sequel? When it will be released?

The Incredibles 2

The Good Dinosaur, Finding Dory, Toy Story 4, and Coco fill the studio's slate through November 2017, and at this point the Incredibles sequel is simply expected at some time after that point.

Brad Bird – writer and director of the Incredibles stated

"Incredibles was supposed to happen after Cars, and our wheels just happened to click a little earlier so they moved us up. Release dates are a little fluid when you're making films so far in advance."

Inspite of the booming plot of current comic-book movies, Incredibles to will remain special with its genre: the element of family. Any specific plot details are being kept for now and probably we'll be expecting them in the coming weeks, months and years. (Such as Samuel Jackson reprising his role as Frozone) Hopefully it won't be too long enough; until then we'll start the timer!

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