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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

"I only know one truth, it's time for the Jedi to end" - Luke Skywalker

Second film in the Star Wars sequel trilogy following the Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), Star Wars: Episode VIII- The last Jedi first trailer. Schedule for release on December 15, 2017 and third movie sequel, Star Wars: Episode IX is schedule for 2019.



Shots shown on the above signifies the re-centering of The Force in between of the light side and dark side. Invoking the true and whole potential of Jedi that they were holding back because of it's dark side of emotions. A brief history of The Force Awakens and The Jedi order is expected to be part of the scenarios as well.

The teases from the trailer gave us ideas what are the highlights of the story- the idea of them searching for the origin of The Force. In addition to new looks of the starships and new planet, is The Force's "bible books" that are supposedly hidden somewhere. A closer look at the books reveals that one of them is imprinted with the insignia of the Jedi Order,Perhaps these books might even be the fabled Journal of the Whills, something of a lost Star Wars concept.

How are they going to recenter, how are they going to even the scales through Anakin's destiny? This is potentially the most interesting, if Anakin was the Chosen One, then “balance” seems a nebulous concept in the Star Wars movies.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Over this montage, Luke makes an ominous pronouncement: “I only know one truth. It’s time for the Jedi to end.

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